Thursday, 3 May 2018

Unit 26 & 2 Task 3

Unit 26 & 2 Task 3 Operating Systems

When installing these operating systems I used:
YUMI - MultiBoot USB

Computer Info:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Ram: 2GB

Operating System:
Windows xp Server
Date and time are correct
Main screen and is working with login screen shown.
Due to their being a problem related to logging in (Blank screen) We were unable to find out any other information related to the server. i.e. internet connection, antivirus and other added software.
This was our very first attempt on starting an operating system from scratch. With the login error, we attempted to do the process again however, the error was the same. As we didn't have any error code and only a blank screen we decided to choose a different operating system in hope this was just a problem related to the download of the server.
(I didn't take any images due to the operating system giving us no access to the computer and the fact it was a first attempt).

Operating System:
Windows Server 2012
Date and time are correct
No screen
No antivirus
No added software
Due to the operating system having an administrator problem we were unable to proceed with the installation of this server.

The installation was the same as the other operating systems with the use of "YUMI" and "MultiBoot USB" The installation had no problems that we were aware of and had all the necessary installation and system requirements in order for the system to work.
However, with the administrator page (left image) it wouldn't allow us to go any further with the installation.

From what i expect the computer we were using had certain restrictions which didn't allow us to install the system. So we changed computers and installed the operating system again which worked. However due to the computer not being ours we decided to ignore this operating system and to find another one which worked "Windows server 2003".
As it didn't restrict the use of this server we expect that at one point in the installation we may have entered the wrong information or the computer glitched.
If I was to install this operating system again I would double check all the information that is provided in the installation just to be on the safe side.

Operating System:
Linux Lite
Date and time are correct
Main screen and login work.
This operating system had no problems when being downloaded and transferred. However due to a weird glitch the computer wanted a password which we didn't know or have. I attempted a restart and searched around the web if the system had a default password, but we couldn't find anything with the same problem. However, due to everything else working except the password we were able to find that it didn't have internet access nor did it have any antivirus installed on the system.
We were unable to find out if the system had any added software involved as we didn't have complete access to the computer.
When adding this system to our computer we decided to use a laptop to download all the necessary software i.e. "YUMI" and the operating system. We would also use this laptop to install an antivirus for the system if there wasn't one.
When starting the installation of Linux we used "YUMI - MultiBoot USB" to download the operating system and then to install.
After the operating system was downloaded to my USB stick we then inserted it into the computer that we wanted the operating system to be used on. We then rebooted the computer and made it run on the |USB stick allowing the Multiboot menu to pop up.
When on this menu we had to choose the version we were downloading and wait for the installation.

When the "MultiBoot" installation was complete we had the Linux Lite menu which gave us a variety of different options that we could choose.
We chose start Linux Lite which led to the main screen. As already spoken about we were unable to get past the login screen due to a password glitch.
We then restarted the system and launch the safe mode and it allowed us to find out some of the information that was on the computer i.e the internet access and time.

From what problems we encountered if we were to do this again we would either start the installation from scratch or we would use a different computer to see if it would solve the password error.

Operating System:
Windows Server 2003
Time and Date were incorrect, changes were made and now it works.
Main menu and login screen works with complete access to other software/apps
The firewall has been activated
No antivirus. (Update: Installed "Clamwin")
Due to the system not having an antivirus we decided to install avast. We got an error, after searching the code error we found that it wasn't compatible with the operating system. So we decided to use "Clamwin" as it is a free antivirus and compatible with the operating system.

Installing Antivirus:

 When researching online for a compatible antivirus for the operating system the choices were very slims with no up-to-date system. (Because its an old system). I managed to find an antivirus "Clamwin" that helps support the computer fight any malware and viruses.

The antivirus, as told in the description isn't perfect as should have some sort of added support (another antivirus). Although it says you can use it as your own way of supporting your computer, its not advised.

The antivirus worked fine and found no problems associated with the computer or with any of the files.
The computer has the status of "Good" for health on both the computer and data files.
When activating the antivirus the process of the scan was around 5 mins depending on what file you wished it to scan.

As stated that it isn't advised for it to be a standalone antivirus, the fact that it only scans manually and only the certain files on the computer is alarming.
The system also can only scan the file if it has permission, which in this case you would have to do manually as well, wasting more of your time.
The software allows you make times where the antivirus can scan, however you would have to continuously writing down dates for it to scan in order for it to work.

I agree that this antivirus is more extra support on keeping your system safe rather than it being a independent antivirus, however with this all said due to it being such an old operating system people have stopped making compatible support.

No Internet access, however we have access to the search engine "Bing" and it allows us to use the search bar and gives us access to images, however I found that trying to load a website it would cause a network error.

This operating system was one of our most successful, due to us having complete access and no errors. This was our last operating system that we tried to put on our computer.

For this installation we did the same steps that we previously have been doing, however we burned a disc instead of placing it on a USB stick. As it was our last operating system we thought we would change the way we installed it a little.
When the disc was in the computer and it had been restarted we had to go through a few steps for the installation.
One of the steps as you can see is on the right, which was asking which file system we wanted and then some other information such as where we wanted all of the installation process to be saved.

After we had finished choosing the correct files we needed we had to wait for the files to be updated
This included, the disks to be examined, and setup files to be copied and saved in a certain folder "Windows Installation Folders"
After this their were a few other blue screens which was asking rather simple questions on what memory we wanted it to be used on etc

When that finished we had one more installation screen which is displayed on the left. This is the overall installation process screen that involves; Collecting information, Dynamic Update, Installing windows and finalising the installation.
Once this was complete we had complete access to the operating system. Due to this being the one of the most successful ones, next time I would consider using a disc for the operating systems.

Different student Operating System:
Time and Date correct
Internet working with complete access.
Office apps available such as; Microsoft libre office (Word, PowerPoint etc.) All have been tested and work fine.
Has an antivirus
Firewall activated
This computer is healthy and has most/all systems working (that i'm aware of).

The operating system has other apps available such as video/image files etc.
The files also have a working search bar and sound works fine.

The computer has a working resolution with everything in view (no image or writing cropped).

The operating system has access to Libre office which gives you access to word processing, creating and designing spreadsheets, slideshows, diagrams and drawings. This offers a much wider usage of what the user could use and access.
The image on the left shows one of the office apps being used (word) which allows you to use the computer for writing and work.
Some of the office apps such as PowerPoint had to be installed afterwards as it hadn't been successfully installed when downloaded.

The operating system had access to Firefox as its main browser. It gave access to most sites (some with restrictions, due to settings). Besides that it gave use fast response and gave the correct format of the site.
The example we tried was checking if letter "H" (random) had working websites, images, news, videos etc. which all worked.
From looking at the computers specs and the operating system I believe that the system worked better due to the computer having much better ram and CPU.

Luke Anderson

Finding a compatible antivirus for Windows Server 2003
Clamwins download site:

Site for Operating Systems:

Windows Server 2003 - If we were to add an update to software and security.

Yumi - Multiboot USB Creator Download: