Tuesday, 26 April 2016

10 Questions

So what did you think of the assignments?
I found the assignments fun and interesting, as I learnt more than expected. I found that most of the assignments were very similar yet very different, which helped me create the games as I had already learnt some stuff about it.

How would you rate the assignments in terms of difficulty?
The assignments were surprisingly easier than expected, with more maths and code involved I expected it to be much more challenging. I began to actually enjoy the coding at some level as it can make your game very cool.

An example of a subject I have learnt
For example the platform game had to contain gravity, which I had no idea on how to place it, with some little research I found how to code it, and since then I have been doing the same technique to all my games that involve gravity. In this game I also learnt how to make enemies and to to animate them which was fun.

In the Space Invader game, name one thing you learned during its development.
In Space Invaders I learnt to place cool effects such as an explosion, by using the drag and drop technique. I also learnt how to get enemies to fire and to have a health bar.

In the maze game name one thing you learned during its development.
In the maze game I learned how to animate players and enemies, I also learnt how to use the "control" which all the game needs for it to function correctly.

Did you learn any maths during this experience? These assignments?
I don't think I learned any new maths skills during the experience, as it was basic maths that were involved.

How do you rate your maths?
Okay I guess

How hard did you find the maths during these assignments?
I found the maths very basic

Do you think your opinion's towards maths has changed?

Do you think you gained any maths when you did any puzzles for the maze game?
No, as the maths I placed in that game I knew.

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