Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Creating your animation Brief

Creating your animation brief

Overview: Trailer
An abandoned building that has been trashed. Broken family frames will be the focus on the camera which then takes you to the unreal engine which shows you a little clip of the trailer, as if a memory. This then goes back to the building and continues to find more frames... which would result into more scenes from my game. At the end of the scene it takes you back to the building and a clown will be scene (Jump-scare). - Original idea.

A creepy abandoned building that has the feeling of being endless. The camera flows through the corridors and reaches the middle room which contains basic objects and a wardrobe that will open and a clown scares you. The camera suddenly moves back and reaches the exits which then the viewer is greeted by a jumpscare.
- Reason was that we have designed the game based in environments that are very serious or old such as castles and temples, these environments are then taken over by the clowns.
(As it's a dream the locations are not meant to make sense).

Warm colours such as brown and dark colours. No natural light. Long light halls and a torch.

The main focus for this trailer is to give an zombie apocalypse feel. Using the abandoned building and objects to show memories on what happened before.
(Changed) The main focus is to give a creepy and an abandonment feeling. This is scene will be scene at the very start of the game rather than before a level or during.

1. Create Building
2. Duplicate objects from unreal into Maya.
3. Clean scene... (Add lighting/collisions)
4. Add frames
5. Record

Target Audience:
16+ Blood and gore wont be seen in the game, however some violence and content rises the target audience. 16+ is a good age in order to grab the past killer klown fans and also teens that would like to play.

Materials and objects required:
Clown, building, photo frames, flooring, housing objects such as bin, window etc
Edited: Barrels, paper, books and boxes.

Unreal objects:
Walls, housing objects, effects etc. - Original idea.
Edited: Unreal will not be used.

Overall style:
A dark, abandoned feeling to the game. With Gothic Victorian art style.

Insidious soundtrack edited.
- At the beginning the level will be quite and only the moving objects and character will make sound i.e. the door or your footsteps.

Basic Storyline:
Walk into the building.

Turn left and see a door quickly shut with some other objects moving around.

Camera turns right and goes through an open door.

As the character gets ready to turn in the dark open room the clown is seen.

The character then continues and stops and watches a torch flicker.

The camera zooms close to the wardrobe which it then opens with the clown inside.

This makes the camera push back and quickly heads towards the exit.

After a slowly walking towards the exit the viewer is then jumpscared a few seconds after.

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