Thursday, 28 March 2019

Project Update: 28/03/2019

Today I have focused on tweaking and developing my second environment the "forest" which is level 3. I believe this would be the level that should be the quickest and easiest to focus on.

Here are some screen shots which i have took so far. I have added water, spine, and paint effects and assets to the game which took some time editing, however it was worth it to make the simple environment immersive:

I have focused a little more on the ending of the circus level with adding a final exit, however I have stopped and my priority is the second environment.

I feel as long as I focus on my work at home and anytime I can I believe I will get my project done and working as I want it.
This environment will be one of the darkest due to it having limited lighting opportunities. Instead the player will be given a camera which has a night vision mode.

I've had trouble with the night vision and it makes it hard to see far distances, which is a big problem. If I cant find a way to solve this I will probably make a torch/flashlight for the player instead.

In this section I will be hopefully expanding the environment and making it where the player can escape when the player has managed to collect all the objects.

Im also thinking about a hidden escape root, however I will do that if I have time to spare.

My next focus will be aimed at the objectives for the second environment and what the player must do / collect to win.

My second focus would be to make either the school or house environment.

Friday, 15 March 2019

project update: 15/03/2019

I have completed the main menu which all i have to do now if link the levels - this is when ive created them.

The main menu has 6 picture links and two text links

Campaign link will take you to the second image shown, This gives you choice of picking which tale you want to play.

The settings link will take your to the third image shown. This changes the graphics, options difficulty etc.

the first picture link will take you to a word document going in depth about each tale

the 4 smaller pictures in the centre are guides for each level if your a beginner and don't understand the controls or objects

the last image takes you to a word document or my blog explaining how i designed the game in depth

Some smaller details I added was adding a user name which is displayed at the bottom right hand corner which takes your computers name and displays it there.

Hovering over the links will add a small animation and active a sound.

I have also added a cool detail of a box which creates a glitched affect which i added for the title.