Thursday 7 January 2016

A story in a film, moved into a video game.
Movie: Survivor

Sam: Works in a office, (learns about terrorists) high in work place. Hes an Inspector. Motivation: He trusts Kate and wants to keep people safe.
Kate: A New security guard that came for DC. (Likes art work) "The Underworld"          
Motivation: She had friends that died by an explosion from the terrorist attack (Nine Eleven) which she is a protector.
Bill: An older guy that also works in the office and has higher security clearance.
He is also working with the terrorists.
Fred: Is the main terrorist and is making the plans for bombs in London.
Paul: (Has a problem with Kate)
Sally: works on the computers and helps Kate when escaping.
Assassin: was hired to kill Kate as she was a witness and might cause further problems in the future. Motivation: To become a billionaire

This story is placed in London. This is about terrorists and how a woman called Kate is trying to keep the place safe. She then gets framed for something she hasn't done which the cops and terrorists want her. She has to survive and stop the terrorists from making a bigger explosion.
The terrorist wants to make another big event (like nine eleven) while making a lot of money
They wanted to bomb New York in the "Time Square" at New years

Starts of with a battlefield and a attack helicopter, which crashes and the pilots are taken hostage. The pilots/soldiers burn them alive. It then continues the story in London which is placed around a office which a new security guard has joined, (Which she is gifted at). She is seen as a problem to the bad guys because she became suspicious on a man that came into the office, which Bill let through, with no clearance needed. The terrorists are creating a bomb which they hope reach the office.
Most of the people in the work place dont like the main character "Kate"

When waiting for Bill to return to his birthday party, a organised bomb was activated and killed everyone inside, The main character "Kate" went to get a gift which stopped her from being blown up. Bill is the reason for the explosion, as he is working for the terrorists.
At this point they are trying to find "Kate" which they believe she might have been involved, due to her skills. Bill and Kate find each other and have a mini fight when he tries to shoot her, she then shoots him which goes online and makes her seem worse.
the terrorists have created a tracking device which they can track anyone that has one. The police have given a warrant on Kate's arrest. The online video has gone on the news and the police are looking for her.Some of the cops that are friends with Kate are looking for her or are giving her money.
The terrorists are preparing another attack that involves the bomb at the beginning. They used a sniper to blow up a building.which had no point involved. Sam is trying to insure to the workers that she is a good person, however they still have thoughts that she was involved due to the evidence and that the fact she is still running.As Kate exits the train the terrorist spots her then loses her. The cops also arrive knowing shes in the area. Kate then gets spotted which results into a chase. The terrorist know where she is due to a tracking device. She then goes to the underground station which the cops and terrorists follow then shortly while after lose her. The terrorist tries to shoot her yet fails due to the result of her stabbing him. When she escaped she broke into a flat which she finds Sam. Sam brakes the tracker, however the terrorist already know her location. The terrorist enters the location while Kate and Sam are busy looking for clues. They then collide with the man which she has to run away from. Sam gets injured from the explosion which makes her seem much of a bigger target. Sally removes the vision from the cameras which helps Kate enter and access data which she needed for a passport. when the man that was supposedly meant to kill Kate spoke to the terrorist he lied about her being alive. She then uses the false identification to go pass the airports security. Kate exits the plane and has gone to New York. They find out that she is headed to New York, however they are already to late when they make contact with the airport.

She pays a taxi driver to help her get out of the area to "time square". The terrorist are planning to bomb the place in a short amount of time, killing millions. They move the explosive containers to a high point of a large building, above the "Time Square"The other half of the terrorist are down below moving other containers. Kate then fights a man that came from no where and runs away into the crowd. At this point they have less than 5 minutes to execute the plan. They reach the roof and aims with the sniper at the large container. Kate reaches the top of the building in time to stop him. They have a fight which he falls of the roof. The cops final get to the roof to find her, and they investigate the area to confirm her story.

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